Christianity ExploredChristianity Explored is a seven-session course which introduces you to the good news of Jesus Christ, based on a series of studies from the Gospel of Mark. The course usually runs for one evening each week, and involves a group of people sharing a meal, watching the course DVD and then discussing a passage of the Bible. Although the course works best when people actively participate, you won't be forced to talk, and you certainly won't be forced to pray out loud.
If you are interested in going on a Christianity Explored course, please contact us.
Questions about Christianity
What is a Christian? |
Many people think that they are a Christian because they were born in the UK, or because they were christened, or because they go to Church. However, a Christian is someone who has a personal, living relationship with Jesus. A Christian is someone who has acknowledged that they are sinful (as all humans are) and has accepted the free gift of forgiveness that is offered only through the death of Jesus on the cross. It is only by being forgiven by Jesus that our relationship with God, that was broken by our sin, can be restored.
Why would I want to be a Christian? |
The Bible teaches that the penalty for sin is death. This means that because of our sin, each of us deserve to face God’s judgment when we die, and end up in a place where we will be separated from him for ever and ever (the Bible calls this ‘hell’). The only way of escaping this punishment, and instead going to heaven, is by trusting in Jesus for forgiveness for all of our sins. Jesus taught that he alone is the way to get to heaven. So, if you want to go to heaven when you die, the only way is to be a true Christian and trust Jesus.
How can I become a Christian? |
Becoming a Christian is not complicated. First, you have to acknowledge that you are sinful and have no hope of being right with God by yourself. Then, you must ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins (which he has promised to do if you ask him sincerely) and then seek to follow him in the rest of your life. This means getting to know more about Jesus by coming to Church, reading the Bible, and doing the things that he tells us we should do.